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What are the opening hours of the "Schafalm"?

The Schafalm is open in summer and winter from 9AM - 5PM.

Start Summer Season: 30th of may 2024
End Summer Season: 20th of october 2024

The full menu is available after 11AM, with small snacks served before that.

Evening events are possible for groups of at least 40 guests, please make arrangements directly with our  event manager.

How do I reserve tables at the Schafalm?

Tables can be reserved here.

In winter, table reservations can only be made for the gallery on the first floor and the parlor on the ground floor. The possible times for reservations are either 12:00 a.m. or at 13:30 p.m. In the Schirm and the rest of the ground floor at the Schafalm, guests are welcomed on a "First-Come-First-Served" basis.

In summer, reservations can be more flexible.

We are happy to cater to your special requests whenever possible. Simply get in touch with us directly at info@schafalm.at

Does the Schafalm offer barrier-free access?

Access to the Schafalm is barrier-free, here you will find detailed information about barrier-free arrival/departure at the Schafalm 

The Schafalm provides a "handicapped WC" on the ground floor.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept cash, EC-Karte as well as VISA & Mastercard.

Are dogs allowed at the Schafalm?

Yes, dogs are permitted at the Schafalm .

However, please always show consideration for other guests and children especially. (if necessary, keep your dog on a leash and use a muzzle)

Is smoking allowed at the Schafalm?

No! Smoking has been banned without exception since November 2019.
Which is why we ask our valued smoking guests to enjoy their tobacco outside.

When are our après-ski parties in winter?

Our legendary après-ski parties with great LIVE music take place every week in winter on Friday & Saturday from 1:00PM in the "Schirm" at the Schafalm, Check out our upcoming dates here.

What event highlights are there in summer?

In summer, we host a Frühschoppen with authentic folk music at the Schafalm every Sunday at 11AM.

In summer, guests can also look forward to a number of other highlights including the hut festivals in July, August & September as well as the unique Herb Ladies Festival annually on 15 August (Assumption Day).

Are there real sheep at the "Schaf"-alm?

Yes, the Schafalm has a sheep barn right here in the same building.

In winter, this barn is home to two or three "Valais blacknose sheep", while the barn itself is insulated soundproofed. This barn is a real highlight for our little guests at the Schafalm especially.

In the summer months, the sheep love grazing the lush green meadows which surround us.

Here you will find answers to your questions

>>>"It doesn't hurt to ask!"<<<

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We are the pros for events of every kind. Contact the Schafalm


We have the answers!

Either by phone +43 3687 24600,  
email nfschflmt
or simply online using our 
contact form.



Travel directions to the Schafalm

Social Media

Schafalm´s social-media channels - with the very latest information!

History & Chronicle

Back in the day - history & chronicle of the Schafalm

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